tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 21 20:10:04 2003

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Re: The Klingon Way -- Reprints?

Unfortunately, my Warrior Friend, the Klingon Way does not exist ANYWHERE anymore!  It's so absolutely ridiculous!  I have even gone straight to the publishing company for a special order of the book, and they said it can't be done.  I am fortunate enough to have a friend who bought it when it came out and will give it to me.  I think it's so funny that they completely disappeared from the face of the planet!  check this website out and browse around it...somewhere in there this guy has ALL the proverbs from the book in there.  Qapla' on your journey
'ej batlh ngop DawebmoHchugh - nachlIj tlhaptaH maH

Alan Anderson <[email protected]> wrote:ja' ...Paul:
>I only managed the audio cassette version of the Klingon Way, and don't
>often get a chance to listen to it (since the advent of CDs, my access to
>tape players has been limited). Does anyone know if the book might be
>reprinted anytime soon? Or where I might have a chance of locating a copy
>of the book?

Both Barnes&Noble and Amazon have _The Klingon Way_ in their used book
listings. Amazon even has a few new ones.

-- ghunchu'wI'

Glory to you, and to your House.
taHjaj wo'

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