tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Apr 17 11:20:31 2003

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Re: 'aH tIQ

>  The event is not "if a mob can
> > > > think".  In that case, it would be "QublaH ghom'a'.  vaj qubbej
> > > > wanI'vetlh" "Mobs can think.  Then that event is rare."
> >
> > Now THAT sounds clunky to me.  If you start out by saying "mobs can think"
> > then it sounds like you are making a blanket statement that mobs are in
> > fact able to think.  If so, then why is the event rare?
>That's exactly my point.  The two-sentence version IS klunky

So your point is that your way of saying clunky?

>, but it's
>effectively identical to what you had written.\

No it's not what I had written.

>So, first off, your intent truly was to say that it was rare for *mobs to
>think*, right?  Therefore, DloraH's impression that /wanI'vetlh/ referred
>to the looting was incorrect...  Correct?

The only event in the sentence is the act of the crowd thinking.  So that 
is what /wanI'/ was referring too.  If I had meant looting, I would have 
said looting.  I am truly bewildered by the controversy this sentence has 
generated.  Especially considering that as far as I can tell it containes 
no errors.  /wanI'/ is a noun.  /vetlh/ is a noun suffix.  Therefore 
/wanI'vetlh/ is perfectly acceptable.  There are many ways to phrase the 
idea.  If you don't like the way I wrote it then you are free to phrase 
another way.



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