tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Apr 08 17:37:56 2003

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Re: pale

naHQun asks:

>Is there a way to say <pale> in Klingon?
>(As in skin pigmentation)

Not explicitly WRT skin color AFAIK.  But see the discussion on colors and 
the use of {Hurgh} and {wov} in KGT (p. 82):

   Phrases containing the words {wov} ("light, bright") or {Hurgh} ("dark")
   further refine the description of the color. Thus, {SuD 'ej wov} means
   "(it) is {SuD} and light," a way to refer to a yellowish tinge; {SuD 'ach
   wov} ("SuD but light") is also heard. If more specificity is necessary,
   the item in question is generally compared to something else that
   typically has a particular color. For example, {Doq 'ej beqpuj rur} means
   "(it) is {Doq} and resembles bekpuj," a common mineral that is bright
   orange. Note that with the basic terms, the verbs, or verbs plus the
   emphatic {-qu'}, may be used adjectivally and modify preceding nouns:
   {bIQ SuD} ("blue/green/yellow water"), {HIq Doqqu'} ("red liquor"--probably
   blood-wine). This adjectival construction is not possible with the lengthier
   formations, however. To describe yellow tea ({Dargh}, "tea"), one must say
   {SuD Dargh 'ej wov} ("The tea is {SuD} and light") or {SuDbogh Dargh 'ej
   wovbogh} ("The tea that is {SuD} and light").

Thus, to say "my beloved's skin is pale and milky-white" you could say, for 

   chIS 'ej wov bangwI' DIr; nIm rur
   my beloved's skin is white and light; it resembles milk

... assuming, of course, that Klingon milk is usually white. <g>

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons 

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