tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Apr 04 09:15:37 2003

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Tao Te Ching Chp. 23


jatlhbej 'u' 'ach pIjHa' jatlh:
qaStaHvIS po' Hoch taHbe' SuS'a'.
qaStaHvIS pem Hoch taHbe' SIS'a'.
qatlh taHbe'? chalmo' tera'mo' je.
ta'meychaj taHmoHlaHbe'chugh chal tera' je,
chay' ta'meychaj taHmoHlaH nuv?

vaj mIw'a' Dapabchugh mIw'a' DarurchoH.
ghob Dapabchugh ghob DarurchoH.
mIw'a' Dalonchugh DalonchoHlu'.

mIw'a' rurbogh vay''e' lajqang mIw'a'.
ghob rurbogh vay''e' lajqang ghob.
vay''e' lonlu'pu'chugh lajqang lonpu'ghach.

voqbe'bogh vay' voqbe'lu'.


Nature is sparing of words:
High winds do not last all morning.
A cloudburst doesn't last all day.
Why is it so? Because of heaven and earth.
If heaven and earth cannot sustain their works,
How can people sustain theirs?

Therefore if you follow Tao you become like Tao.
If you follow virtue you become like virtue.
If you forsake Tao you become forsaken.

Those who are like Tao are gladly welcomed by Tao.
Those who are like virtue are gladly welcomed by virtue.
Those who are forsaken are gladly welcomed by forsakenness.

Those who don't trust receive no trust.


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