tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Apr 03 11:36:37 2003

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Re: Klingon WOTD: qeng (n)

>This is the Klingon Word Of The Day for Thursday, April 3, 2003.
>Klingon word:   qeng
>Part of Speech: noun
>Definition:     Kang
>Additional Notes:
>TKD p. 58.  A proper name.
>TOS, "Day of the Dove," TKW p. 11.

As used in canon:

qeng la'
Commander Kang. KGT

lu qeng
"The Fall of Kang" KGT
(The title of the epic poem by G'trok.  "Among the common Klingon idioms 
are some phrases taken from mythology and literature. For example, the 
expression {Hoch jaghpu'Daj HoHpu'} ('He/she has killed all his/her 
enemies') is used to describe a person who is leading a meaningless, empty 
life, one lacking any challenge. It is derived from a line in the poem '{lu 
qeng}' ('The Fall of Kang'; literally, 'Kang falls') by G'trok: {Hoch 
jaghpu'Daj HoHbogh SuvwI' yIvup}, the classic Federation Standard 
translation of which is 'Pity the warrior who slays all his foes'." [KGT 107])

loSmaH romulusngan SuvwI'pu' HoHta' qeng.
Kang killed 40 Romulan warriors. (HQ 8.3)

"Kang's Summit" - *{qeng HuD}? - is presumably a large mountain on the 
Klingon Homeworld.  General Martok was kidnapped by the Dominion while he 
was hunting sabre bear {mIl'oD} on Kang's Summit in 2371 and replaced by a 
Changeling (DS9 "In Purgatory's Shadow").

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons 

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