tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Feb 19 06:14:18 2001

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RE: KLBC - Valentines Day

mara said:

> jImobmo' jIQuch.  loD vIghajnISHa'
The first sentence here is good.

For the second sentence, there's a problem with the suffix {-Ha'}. Even
though {-Ha'} is called a rover, it always goes right after the verb. So you
could say {loD vIghajHa'nIS}. This could be used to mean what you intended,
"not only do I not need a man... having one would make me miserable again".
Since {-Ha'} can indicate that something is being undone, it could mean that
you had a man, but you need to stay away from him now.

Also, consider using the verb {poQ} ("require, demand") instead of {ghaj}
("have, possess").

- taD

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