tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Feb 19 06:11:19 2001

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RE: KLBC: Dochmey Sar

Lisa said:

> {jabbI'ID Quv} chu' vIneH.  'e' bochuplaH'a'?  
Here, you're asking if we can suggest new data transmission coordinates.
(I'm assume by this you mean a new Internet Service Provider). Notice that
"a new ISP" is a noun.
So you could say:
{'oH bochuplaH'a'?} "Can you (plural) suggest it?"
{wa' bochuplaH'a'?} "Can you (plural) suggest one?"

When we use the pronoun {'e'}, it refers to the previous sentence as a
whole. What you actually said was "Can you (plural) suggest that I want a
new ISP?" My response to *this* question would be "If your current ISP isn't
working, then you should want a new one. But if your current ISP is fine,
then you shouldn't want a new one".

In this message and your previous ones, it looks like you're having
difficulty with when to use {'e'} and when not to use {'e'}.
Look at these examples, and see if you understand how {'e'} is used:

{chablIj vISop. 'e' DatIv'a'?} "Do you enjoy that I eat your pie?"
The {'e'} refers to the previous sentence, "I eat your pie". So the phrase
{'e' DatIv'a'?} asks if you enjoy *that I eat your pie*.

{chablIj vISop. DatIv'a'?} "I eat your pie. Do you enjoy it?"
{chablIj vISop. 'oH DatIv'a'?} "I eat your pie. Do you enjoy *it*?"
Since {'e'} isn't used here, the phrase {DatIv'a'} asks if you enjoy *it*.
In other words, it asks if you enjoy *the pie*.

> wa'Hu', jIHvaD weQ Doq nob jupwI'. weQ vIparHa'.  meQtaHvIS He'. {Apple}
> 'ej
> {cinnamon} rur pIwvam.  mughungmoH.

"Apple" and "cinnamon" are nouns, so you want to use {je} (which is used for
nouns) instead of {'ej} (which is used for verbs/sentences).
When you connect nouns, {je} goes after the nouns:
{*apple* *cinnamon* je} "Apple and cinnamon"
{qa'vIn *doughnut* je} "Coffee and a doughnut"

> qorDu' ghom vInab.  (Has there been a
Your message ends here - did it accidentally get sent before it was
finished, or get cut off?
It looks like you were trying to say "I plan to meet the family." In this
case, you *would* want to use {'e'}.

{qorDu' vIghom} "I meet/encounter the family."
{qorDu' vIghom. 'e' vInab} "I plan that I meet/encounter the family."

If you're meeting someone else's family for the first time, you would use
the verb {qIH} ("meet for the first time").
If you're having something like a family reunion, you would use the verb
{ghom} ("meet, encounter, rendezvous").

If you think you need some more practice with using {'e'}, I can give some
practice sentences to try to translate, if you want.

- taD

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