tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Feb 05 17:59:00 2001

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Re: post

>I've just started learning Klingon and have studied the pronunciations
>noticed in a couple of the e-mails I received today that the letters "h,"
>"g," and"Z" were used. I did not find these letters in TKD. The source I
>am using is as follows:
>Okrand, M. (1992). The Klingon dictionary. New York: Pocket Books.

As are the rest of us.

: It may be a mistype or a plan uneducal mistake or the gh might be together 
: and that is a letter of they alphabet

As are ch and tlh - which are single sounds in Klingon and are treated as
separate "letters".  Look through the glossary in the Dictionary and you'll
see vocabulary listed under ch, gh and tlh separately.  Notice too that the
lower case h in these di- and trigraphs is different than the single letter H.

As for Z, I have no idea what you're talking about.  How about quoting a
bit of the problematic text for us to examine?  

Keep in mind that we don't enforce Okrand's transcription for people's
names, which are often taken from other branches of Klingon, or even
non0Klingon, fandom.  I know that Z is used, for instance, in John Ford's
version of Klingon which he called *klingonaase*, most notably in the
common title *zan*.

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons 

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