tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Feb 05 13:14:54 2001

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re: KLBC: pronoun prefex mnemonics

This is not intended to interrupt the BG. I just couldn't stop myself.

From: "Sian and Roger" <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 3 Feb 2001 17:30:13 -0000

>Da' DaDa = you act like a corporal

When I saw this, I immediately fell to translate, "When you act like a 
corporal, we act like separated groups of debris." (Okay, so I stretched 
things a bit to make "debris" plural.)


Why does this sound like Morse Code?

Okay, rearrange it to get rid of the "debris" problem:

"When we act like corporals, you act like debris."

Da' DIDaDI' DI DaDa.

I think that counts as a tongue twister. Just try saying it five times fast.

Or imagine a child's taunt: "He acts like you! He acts like you!"

DuDa! DuDa!

All de live long day.

Or "The farm's corporal acts like you."

DuDa Du' Da'.

I'm already wishing I'd never gone here...


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