tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Sep 27 19:21:01 2000

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RE: KLBC questions

geH'pu said:
> How would one frase a question in klingon.  I know forinstance that in
> french you could add est-ce que to the begining of your sentence.  is
> there anything like that in klingon or would you have to change the word
> order?

: Making a yes/no question in Klingon is simple and doesn't require changing
: the word order. To do so, you add the verb suffix {-'a'} to the end of the
: verb in your statment.
: For example, suppose you want to ask "Does the targ eat?"
: First, {Sop targh} is the statement "The targ eats."
: So, to turn it into a yes/no question, you would add {-'a'} to the verb
: {Sop}:  {Sop'a' targh} "Does the targ eat?"
: If you want to phrase a question that requires an explanation, rather than
: yes/no, you need to use one of the question words (such as {nuq}, {'Iv},
: {ghorgh}, etc.) You can find these explained in TKD on pages 68-70. If you
: have any questions about how any of these words are used, or if you want to
: practice using questions in Klingon, feel free to ask.

And the third way is to use the tag question {qar'a'} "Isn't it? Isn't that
so? Right?"

  "Tag questions (ending a statement with a question such as 'right?'
   or 'isn't that so?') are formed by using the verb {qar} 'be accurate'
   plus the suffix {-'a'} 'interrogative'. This word either follows the
   verb or else comes at the end of the sentence." (TKD:179)

Okrand's examples:

  De' Sov qar'a' HoD?  [or]
  De' Sov HoD qar'a'?
  The captain knows the information, right? (TKD)

  'IH qar'a'?
  It's beautiful, isn't it? (CK)

  'IH jaj qar'a'?
   Beautiful day, isn't it? (PK)

  qarDaSnganpu' HIvpu' tlhInganpu' qar'a'?  [or]
  qarDaSnganpu' HIvpu' qar'a' tlhInganpu'? 
  The Klingons have attacked the Cardassians, right? (KGT)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons 

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