tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Sep 19 15:03:32 2000

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end of Daj thread?

English is my first language, and Klingon is about my seventh (, but who's 
counting?).  What I primarily object to is dogmatic explanations of words and 
usages which were never well defined in the first place.  Their usage is 
being determined by how people actually do use them, in the cases where MO 
hasn't enlightened us.  If a usage doesn't make sense to me, I try to find a 
rationale for it that does make sense, or an explanation of why it doesn't 
make sense.  Using simple glosses, such as appear in TKD, as complete 
definitions is ludicrous to me.  Behind these simple glosses there should be 
complex and often multiple meanings, each word with its own etymology and web 
of associations and possible contexts (assuming a real klingon universe, 
BTW, has anyone written a dictionary of tlhIngan Hol in tlhIngan Hol?
lay'tel SIvten

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