tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Sep 08 19:11:25 2000

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Life Skills You Never Knew You Had

The following blurb appears in the "Life Skills" section of the course
offerings brochure at my local community centre:

Yes, Klingon!  The Klingon language, as spoken by the bumpy-headed aliens
on Star Trek, was developed in order to add realism to the Star Trek
movies, and is a real, usable language.  The course will cover the sounds
of Klingon, grammatical structures, vocabulary, idioms, common expressions,
and the fictional culture that determines appropriate discourse in the
language.  Required text: The Klingon Dictionary by Marc Okrand.

Instructor: Robyn Stewart, known as Qov in the Klingon-speaking community,
has been involved with the Klingon language since 1988.  She has served as
"Beginners' Grammarian" of the Klingon Language Institute, and in 'real
life' is a part time librarian and flight instructor (on airplanes, not
Klingon Birds of Prey).

That's right, "Life Skills."  Perhaps as in "Get a Life"?  Now they want me
to do a press release.  With any luck I'll get some flying students out of
this, too.

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