tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Sep 04 09:48:26 2000

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Re: KLBC: nuq as object

Xardana ja':

> Some people have been telling me I can't say "nuq DaSop DaneH" and "nuq Datlhutlh DaneH" because of the problem of a question word being in the first sentence of a two-sentence construction.

I'm not a proper person to answer this question, because I'm a beginner like you, but I also had my headaches with question words and listened to skilled Klingonists. So I feel qualified to say my opinion.

{nuq}, {nuqDaq}, {'Iv}, {'ar}, {'arlogh}, {ghorgh}, {qatlh} and {chay'} are question words, that is, just putting one of these words into a sentence you are recasting it as a question.

So {nuq DaSop DaneH} and {nuq Datlhutlh DaneH} are illogical because the main verb, {DaneH}, tells us you want something (it's an affirmation), but the object sentence is a question (a doubt).

In my opinion, these options sound better:

1- bISopmeH nuq DaneH.
2- bItlhutlhmeH nuq DaneH.

It's a matter of preference, but I would write:

3- bISopmeH nuq DamaS.
4- bItlhutlhmeH nuq DamaS.

Anyway, there are a number of suffixes we must'nt forget, but I'm not sure if they fit in this case:

5- nuq DaSopqang.
6- nuq Datlhutlhqang.

Are they right? I don't know.
Sadly, I started trying to answer a question, and I've finished putting up more questions.


_________________________________________________________  Gratuito, latino y en espaņol.

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