tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Oct 04 10:37:48 2000

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RE: KLBC Stress

jatlh ghaHbe'wI':

> {ghaHbe'wI' yer Da'elpu' pagh Da'elta'. Qapla'} mu'tlhegh vIqonta'.
> mu'tlheghvam vIqonpa' *Conversational Klingon* *Power Klingon* je vIQoy,
> tameyvam qonpu' *Okrand* (tlhIngan Hol jatlhwI' teH vISovbogh ghaH
> *Okrand*'e'). latlh cha' ta vIQoy je, *Holtej* juHDaq cha' wab teywI'
> vItu'pu'bogh chaH.
Two comments on your last sentence above:

{teywI'} is listed in KGT as "file". However, this doesn't refer to a
computer file. It's a file such as a sculptor uses on rock. It comes from
the word {tey} ("scrape"), so {teywI'} is literally "scraper".

Also, you used {chaH} ("they (capable of speech)") to refer to the sound
files. Since the sound files aren't really using speech (they're just a
recording of a sound), then you would use {bIH} ("they (incapable of
speech")) to refer to them.

lI' QIch tameyvam. latlh DaQoymeH, /tlh/phrases.html
yISuch. pa' *Seqram* ghogh qon ghaH.

> 'ach lugh mu'tlhegh vIjatlhta' wej 'e' vISov, 'ej jatlhmeH mIw'e' lo'bogh
> Holtej rurbe' jIjatlhmeH mIw vIlo'bogh 'e' vItu' (Holmey pIm jatlhmo'
> Holtej jIH je, *English* Hol jatlh Holtej 'ej *Catalan* Hol vIjatlh). 'ach
> wa' Doch bej tu'lu': *Arabic* Hol vIHaDta'mo' {'} wab vIjatlhchu'.
jaS tlhIngan Hol lujatlh ghotpu'. jaS DIvI' Hol lujatlh ghotpu'. roD

Don't forget that when the subject of a verb is "I" plus someone else, you
need to use a verb prefix that indicates the subject is "we". Since You and
Holtej speak languages, you would use the prefix {DI-} ("we - them").

{Holmey pIm DIjatlhmo' Holtej jIH je ...} "Because Holtej and I speak
different languages,..."

> 'e' neHchugh vay', Hogh veb ghaHvaD ta vIngeHlaH.
jIHvaD QIch ta yIlab. pIjHa' tlhIngan Hol vIQoy. :-)

- taD

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