tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Sep 28 17:18:00 1998

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Re: Ke'Plak

>I am surprised, charghwI'. You must know that one cannot prove non-existence
>through logic. Since we agree that TKD is not a complete description of
>every point of Klingon, we also must agree that lack of mention is no proof
>of lack of existence. We simply do not know whether there is a relative
>pronoun or not. I, and you, believe it is highly unlikely, but I do not
>know. Unless you have kidnapped Maltz, neither do you.

well, you are right that you cannot prove non-existance, but using logic 
you can draw a conclusion that does not favor existance.  like you did... 
but what you are leaving out is relitive evidance pointing toward the 
idea that it may not exist.

The Vulcan learning Klingon.

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