tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Nov 26 11:01:44 1998

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Re: RE:

From: William H. Martin <[email protected]>

>This is a good answer in terms of telling him what not to do,
>but he could probably use more help in terms of how to say this
>while not doing what he is supposed to not do.

nIv qeSvam.  yIlo'Ha'Qo' yIjatlhQo'.  SoHvaD mIw qar vI'ang yIjatlh.
Good advice.  Don't say how not to use something, say you'll show the
correct way to use something.

>On Fri, 20 Nov 1998 18:14:57 -0800 (PST) "Andeen, Eric"
><[email protected]> wrote:
>> lab Patrick Masterson:
>> >
>> > wa'. Can you use questions as sentences for use with 'e'?
>> > as in the following:
>> > qatlh nuch HoH yaS 'e' vISov. (I know why the officer killed the
>> > coward.)
>> Wow. Quite a choice for a first question...
>> In any case, it is best just to avoid it until we know for certain.
>It does involve a bit of complexity, but I'd cast it as:
>"I know why the officer killed the coward."
>yaSvaD nuch HoHmoHbogh meq vISov.
>[Literally: "I know the reason which caused the officer to kill
>the coward."]

Qu'vatlh!  Qatlh jay'!
Yikes!  That's damn complex!

nuch HoH yaS.  meq vISov.
The officer killed the coward.  I know the reason.

qar mu'tlheghlIj 'ach chaq chu'wI'vaD mu'tlhegh nap nIv law' mu'tlhegh Qatlh
nIv puS.
Your sentence is right, but a simpler sentence would probably be better for
a beginner.

>SC = Subject of Causation
>RVS = Root Verb Subject
>RVO = Root Verb Object
>TV = Transitive Verb
>IV = Intranstive Verb
>[RVS] [IV]moH [SC].
>[RVS]vaD [RVO] [TV]moH [SC].
>Does that help?

Dochvam vIyajbe'law' jIH'e'.
I don't think even *I* get this.

Stardate 98904.1

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