tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Nov 24 23:05:07 1998

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RE: KLBC Challenge

I posted a challenge, and quite a few people responded. I've grouped my
comments and corrections for the whole set.

> qatlh verengan chop targh?

jang K'ryntes:
> romuluSngan chopmo' targh, nujDajvo' HuH 'up teqnIS
> vaj verengan chop targh.

maj. 'ach loQ choSIvmoH. qatlh verengan chopnIS targh? HuH tlhISlaHbe''a'?
nujDaj HuvmoHchu' neH'a'? qatlh verengan wIv? bIjangnISbe'; jISIv neH.

jang Mark Brewer:
> verenganDaj qoghDu' par targh

I'm not sure why you used the <-Daj> here, but the rest is quite good.
telDu' moH rur verengan qoghDu' net Sov.

jang Qermaq:
> romuluSngan Soplu'ta'

verengan Sopqangchugh targh, ghungqu'ba'. Nice use of suffixes, by the way.
<Soplu'ta'> is something that makes perfect sense in Klingon, but is hard to
translate into English without losing meaning.

jang DloraH:
> Duj 'aghbogh HaSta nIH verengan
> Haw'meH Duj lo'bogh 'oH Dujvetlh'e'

jIjangQo' jIH jay'! Haw'meH Dujmey vIqelQo'.

jang Edy:
> ghungqu'mo' targh 'ej Soj QaQ tu'be'

This is good, but you need to put the <-mo'> on both verbs or leave it out
entirely. <ghungqu' targh 'ej Soj QaQ tu'be'> is a sentence in its own
right, and answers the question well. <ghungqu'mo' targh 'ej Soj QaQ
tu'be'mo'> is a sentence fragment which would probably answer the question
just as well, at least in an informal setting. Unlike English, where the
corresponding "because" could apply to both clauses, Klingon needs <-mo'> on
both verbs for this to work.

jang Lawrence:
> verengan chopqangbe' targh. targh luraDbej HoSDo'. net Sov.

majQa'. This one definitely got the biggest laugh, but it also gets a small
correction. Inherently plural nouns like <HoSDo'> (or <ngop> or <cha>) get
treated as grammatically singular, so the prefix on <raD> should be the null

Beginners' Grammarian

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