tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Nov 09 17:43:24 1998

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Klingon Honor Guard and tlhIngan Hol

A new game called "Klingon Honor Guard" has hit the shelves. It is a 3D
first person shooter (DOOM type) game. I have played it, and will not until
I buy my next computer some time next year, but, I have read quite a bit
about it, and there appear to be a few tlhIngan Hol influenced tidbits in
the game. My spellings will be tlhIngan Hol, and the "real" spelling will
follow in parentheses.

The weapons include the well known Daqtagh (D'k tagh knife), betleH
(Bat'Leth), nISwI' HIch (disruptor pistol), and nISwI' beH (disruptor
rifle). They also include a few new ones with tlhIngan Hol influenced names:

bach HIch (Bach' Hich) Assault Disruptor
This appears to be a "shotgun" type thing. This shows that: 1. they opened
the dictionary and 2. they grabbed the words they were after and squished
them together without much thought.

DIng pach (Ding-pah) Spin Claw
Launches a spinning metal blade.

Sith Har Blaster
This one fires actual solid physical projectiles. How retro... No idea how
they got the name, but I think they meant it to sound Klingon.

The enemies also include the following:
tarchop (Tarchop)
Little poisonous bugs.

targh (Klingon targ)
Every Klingon's favorite pet.

chuch bIQDep (Chuch bIQDep)
The review I read calls it "a giant Pirhana on steroids"

ro'peD (Ro'peD Ice Creature)
The abominable snowman...

Dog faced humanoid assassins. Again, I think the name is meant to sound
Klingon, but I couldn't figure it out.


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