tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Nov 07 12:38:58 1998

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tlhIngan Hol vIjathlaHbe'

Qapla' Good People !

My name is Nic, and i've just joined the list.  I'm 18 male in England.  I
have owned a copy of Klingon Dictionary for a couple of months now, and
started speaking klingon.  For my first project I tried translating Queen's
Bohemia Rhapsody, but I gave up when I couldn't find the word 'Reality' in the
Dictionary.  Can anyone help ?
I find the Klingon tradition and way fascinating (as setup by the book STAR
TREK: A KLINGON WAY) does any one know of an 'official' web-site that can help
Thirdly, can anyone mail me the plot of Aktuh and Melota (the popular klingon
Finally, had anyone got a manual for the use of a bat'telh ?  

Hovmey Davan !


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