tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Nov 05 20:43:28 1998

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Re: KLBC: Sormey Hol

ja' K'ryntes:
>wasn't sure what machwI'mey was.  Smallers?  Then I remembered seeing
>something like that in one of your other stories.... 'ughwI'mey.  So when
>I figured it out I was so happy because it's amazing the things I can do
>if I only know all those little tricky things.  I thought that adding -wI'
>could only be done with professions or objects that do something like
>toasters toast.  You know, that kind of thing.

Until recently, we weren't really sure it wasn't restricted to "that kind
of thing".  It was a common topic of debate for a while.  I think the first
clear evidence that {-wI'} does work on verbs of quality is the {reH Hegh
yoHwI'pu''e'} example on page 123 of The Klingon Way.

>You never know what will
>be useful to others.  You could write one sentence and I could learn
>something wonderful from it.

vaj mu'tlheghmey law' DIghItlhnISba'.
Dat chovnatlhmey lulaDlu'chugh, reH ghojmeH 'ebmey lutu'lu.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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