tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Nov 05 04:27:30 1998

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ambiguities in the Klingon and other questions

I am writing a linguistic paper on Klignon .

Can anyone think of any ambiguities within the Klingon language,
such as semantic or syntactic phonetic ones (or anything else)?

Another question which I asked myself is:
 What are the languages Mark Okrand was influenced by when creating 
the Klingon language and in what way can I see that.
I know he has a PH.D. in the languages of the West Coast Indians but 
I would like to have some more concrete material....

Why could we say that Klingon is the language of an alien race? Which 
language universals does it not meet (except syntax)? 

I hope anyone can help me.....
 I would appreciate every kind of answer to these topics.
-Please write to [email protected] 
 and not to the mailing list since I am not a recipient.

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