tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Mar 30 08:02:57 1998

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Re: How big is the vocabulary?

ja' charghwI':
>Counting words is so arbitrary. Do proper names count? We
>basically accept that {ghojmoH} is a separate word from {ghoj}
>and {vIHmoH} is not a separate word from {vIH} simply because
>we have a separate English word for "teach" and "learn", but we
>don't have separate English words for "it moved" and "I moved

I think {ghojmoH} is just what it looks like: {ghoj} with a suffix.
But it appears in my "complete and correct" word list, because it's 
right there in TKD.  Everything in my list comes from TKD or KGT,
with the exception of the word {vegh}, the slang usage of {ngech},
and another few dozen words from veS QonoS, KCD, and elsewhere.

Nearly all the vocabulary gleaned from the tapes, Skybox cards, and 
TKW made it into KGT.  Based on the specifics of certain words, I'm 
pretty sure we can thank charghwI' for some of that.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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