tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Mar 28 07:30:00 1998

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Re: How big is the vocabulary?

At 08:30 AM 3/27/98 -0800, ghunchu'wI' wrote:
>ja' qelayn:
>>3400? I thought I had all (most) of the words on my computer totalling
>>just over 2100 words, where did these other words come from?
>>Are they all constructs from speakers or are they official?
>My carefully-maintained word list contains 2310 entries, taken from 
>TKD, KGT, and charghwI''s "new word list" on the web.  There are a 
>handful of semi-duplicates where TKD gives different definitions in 
>the two halves of the lexicon, or significant additional explanation
>from the word list in KGT, etc.  I also have a personal addendum with 
>a few non-words, mostly names, but including some entries that are of
>historical and/or humorous value.

When I compiled the wordlist for Kliflash v.3, I came up with 2114 words.
But I was pretty conservative: I didn't include any names or "cultural"
compounds, and words that are semi-duplicates (i.e. with multiple definitions
- I think these are called "polyvalent") are listed as a single Klingon

-- ter'eS

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