tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Mar 25 21:12:25 1998

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Re: KLBC: SIS voDleH

ja' Jaime:
>...There's no noun listed in TKD for rain, so i just used the verb :)

Wipe that smile off your face, Jaime. :-)

If there's no noun counterpart of a verb, you can't expect anyone to be
able to understand you if you use it that way.  When you can't find an
obvious direct translation for a word you want to use, picking something
that "sounds close" isn't going to express your idea very well.

What do you mean by the noun "rain"?  Is it the atmospheric phenomenon?
Is it the water which falls from the sky?  I'd translate these two ideas

{SISlI'ghach} "progressing raining" implies a rainstorm with an expected
stopping point.  {SIStaHghach} "ongoing raining" doesn't imply anything
about a goal, focusing only on the continuous aspect of the shower.

{SISbogh bIQ} "water which rains" is how I'd describe the stuff which
gets my hair and clothes wet when I'm walking in the rain.

Of course, neither of these is necessarily appropriate for what you're
trying to say.  I don't recognize the "Emperor of the Rain" reference,
so I don't have any context to help me help you.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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