tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Mar 25 17:55:42 1998

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Re: Warriors Anthem

At 07:00 98-03-25 -0800, muHwI' wrote:
}Greetings Qov!
}You probably know about the song from the Klingon CD and one DSN episode "Qoy
}qeylIS puqloD, Qoy puqbe'pu', yoHbogh..."
}I've got only one single question:
}Is the text on canon?
}Or is this just _somebody_ who has written it down?

The version on the S&S URL was provided by Marc Okrand.

}The reason for my question is the fact that we discussed this on the mailing
}list last year and there are some minor differences between that one and the
}one Eddy Fonseca posted on July 15th 1997
}{SeymoHchu' mayu'} and 

"It perfectly excites.  We interrogate."
}{Say'moHchu' may' 'Iw}
"The blood of battle clenses through."

}{yo' qIjDaq vavpu'ma' DImuvpa' reH maSuvtaH} and 

"Before we join our fathers in the Black Fleet we will fight forever."
}{yo' qIjDaq vavpu'ma' DImuv pa' reH maSuvtaH}
"We will join our fathers in the Black Fleet.  There we will fight forever."

The second one makes a lot more sense in each case.

}How serious should we take it? Can I keep teaching people the song I learned
}it, or should I learn the song like on Simon&Schuster's page?? Is it canon or

Something from July would be from someone just listening to the words.

Qov     [email protected]
Beginners' Grammarian                 

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