tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Mar 21 19:38:08 1998

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Re: Some Help Please

At 16:23 98-03-21 -0800, Metalviking wrote:
}a good insult might be
}Sep SomRaw yiCHop

"Bite the muscle of the region."

Hmm, the region in question isn't really a muscle, but I've heard it called
that before. :)

Or perhaps: {Sepbogh Somraw yIchop}.  "Bite the muscle that breeds."
Without {-bogh} there you would have two sentences, one for each verb.  {Sep
Somraw} "the muscle breeds" and {yIchop} "bite [it]."

Note that in KGT Marc Okrand says that "Klingons generally Sep ("breed")
small animals," meaning that {Sep} is a verb for the activity of maintaining
the conditions such that some other being can reproduce.  It might or might
not have the other English meaning.

BTW: {Somraw} not SomRaw. And {yIchop} not yiCHop  Klingon capitals aren't
really that bad.  Always shift for D, I, and S. Always shift for H when it
is alone but never when it is part of tlh, gh or ch. Distinguish between the
two separate letters q and Q.  Never shift for anything else, even at the
beginning of a sentence.  That's it.

Good to see you posting again, Metalviking.

Qov     [email protected]
Beginners' Grammarian                 

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