tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jun 28 13:36:02 1998

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Re: study

Am/Um 09:09 28.06.98 -0700 Rob wrote:

>Is there a study program that instead of being written in the phonics, is
>written in the actual tlhIngan symbols? This way I could read and write in
>phonics and real tlhIngan.

       I don't know of any program of that kind, but there is no official
klingon font (is there?). If you want, I can send you the pIqaD which is
represented on the KLI's homepage in three different font files, which all
look the same a little. That is the font that jIH prefer. than you can
write letters using that font and then read and practice the symbols. You
can go to the Klingon section of my homepage, there's a sample of the font,
maybe you can read it.


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