tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jun 28 09:44:56 1998

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Re: cheghqa' muHwI' }}:-)

From: Quvar muHwI' <[email protected]>

>Saja' - peQoy jay'


>It's summer again, so I am back on the list!!


>I bet most of you don't know me yet, but you will soon.
>Greetings to:

>SuStel - my first BG, memorizer of Klingon music, the stardate guy, you
>name it... ;-) who guided me into the right way of learning Klingon.

quv chonobpu'bogh Dun law' Hoch Dun puS!

(Now then . . . can we use the "prefix trick" here?  If we can, doesn't that
imply that we can use it without the trick, using {-vaD}?  If so, doesn't
that prove that we can modify relative clauses with Type 5 nouns, something
which has never been forbidden, but which seems awfully murky?)

DaH tlhIngan Hol yIjatlhchoH!

Stardate 98490.4

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