tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jun 25 00:57:44 1998

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the Kahless book

There was a recent thread about Klingon animals; one contributor said that he
<has not> included words from Friedman's book `Kahless'. I know that some of
the events in the original Kahless's time in Friedman's book are too far from
canon to be accepted; but the book does provide names for various animals and
other things that there is no word for in canon. In particular, in describing
matters in the countryside, I would have thought that the Friedman word
{minn'hor} (perhaps normalized to {mInHor} or {mInnIHor}) for "Qo'noSian ox"
(used for meat & milk & haulage) would have been useful in the real world. As
regards the rights and wrongs of using a word for "Qo'noSian ox" to mean an
Earth ox, well then, TKD specifically says that {DIS} means "Klingon year",
i.e. the time for the planet Qo'noS to go once round its primary, but people
use {DIS} readily to mean "Earth year".

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