tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jun 24 12:51:28 1998

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RE: DS9 Finale Kl;ingon

---"Andeen, Eric"  wrote:

> Note that it is a *bit* better than the total gibberish > > the

I agree completely.  It's not Paramoint Hol.  In fact I have already
given it KLBC treatment and encouragement. Someone WORKED at this and
is probably proud and would appreciate some feedback.  I'm looking at
where to send it.  Can anyone offer me an address, either e-mail or
postal, that will get it past the Paramount screens that return
unopened unsolicited story/script suggestions not submited through an
agent?  A "fan mail for the writers" address?
> taH Qo'noS neH
> batlh Hegh DInej Hoch

This is controversial (although I like it) for "we all."  It wasn't my
suggestion for our unknown Paramount beginner.  Because as the Hoch
appeared on the object side of the equation I was guessing it was part
of the modification of honour.  "If batlh is 'with honour' ," reads
beginner-logic, "then batlh Hoch is 'with all honour'."   I'm guessing
it's an honoured death, not an honoured search for it that's the
point, so {Hegh quvqu' DInej}

> taH Qo'noS neH
> yay batlh je nunob Hegh
> This is clearly not in any way good Klingon. If a 
> beginner sent this to
> the list, Qov would probably understand it and help > the poor soul,
> it would take a LOT of explanation to clean it up.  

It actually didn't take *that* much.  Adverb placement, conjunction
placement, using the correct part of speech, how to read the prefix
table, and only using verb prefixes on verbs.  If seen better first
KLBCs and I've seen worse.

But it gave me pause ... will we create a monster if we give a
beginner the tools to create internationally broadcast Klingon of a
form that approaches real Hol closely enough that we can't instantly
dismiss it as Paramount Hol?  What if s/he starts making up words or
grammatical constructions that appear in otherwise grammatical Klingon
sentences?  How long does it take the average beginner to go from
asking for help to defending his mistakes with his ego?  How much
shorter is this period for someone in Hollywood?  
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