tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jun 17 15:47:50 1998

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Re: KLBC: more simple stuff

---Matthew Peperell  wrote:
> I've decided to stick with simple things for a while.  > This
> should also help me to learn the voacb becuase I'll > have to
> concentrate less on the vocab.

If you're making a few mistakes in each post you're learning things. 
Simple is good, because if you make one mistake and get it corrected
your're more likely to remember for next time than if you make a big
> chal vIlegh.		I see the sky.

> chom ghaH loDnI'Hom.	My yonger brother is a > barman.

Three points here: 
1. You always need {-'e'} on the subject of this sort of sentence.
2. loDnI'Hom comes off meaning something like "stepbrother" or some
other sort of semi-sibling, like a brother, but less important or
3. You've omitted the concept "my" from the Klingon.

chom ghaH loDnI'wI' Qup'e'
"My young brother is a barman."

Notice that the NOUN suffix {-'e'} here goes on the adjective,
according to the special rule for type 5 suffixes in this case.

> maSwov viparHa'.	I like moonlight.

Spelling error: vIparHa'. 

> I have the urge to end with a slightly more complex statement :-)
> tagh paQDI'norgh DuSaW vI'ovpu'.   college lessons will soon be over.

Oops.  Fingers on the wrong keys?  Brain improperly attached?  It
wasn't too complicated for you to attempt, but for some reason you
messed up your lookups and typing.

tagh - begin
tugh - soon

paQDI'norgh DuSaQ - the school of the teachings
DuSaQ paQDI'norgh - the teachings of the school

Noun noun constructions are actually very close to English.  I'm not
sure why so many people get them backwards.  Try thinking of it as
noun1's noun2, just without the apostrophe ess.

'ov - compete
rIn - be finished

tugh rIn DuSaQ paQDI'norgh

Soon school lessons will be done.
> Short but sweer

Definitely need to check that finger-brain attachment. You're starting
to type like me. :)

You're doing well.  If you're looking around for something to write,
see if you can write a sentence using three words that start with {gh}.
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