tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jun 07 11:03:39 1998

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Re: KLBC: House things naming

In a message dated 98-06-07 09:43:05 EDT, Edy writes:

<< microwave - yu'eghHom
 kitchen range - vutmeH mIqta'
 Dish washer - ngop Say'moHwI'
 waste-pipe - nIjwI'
 faucets - bIQ raQwI'
 music stand - QoQ QamwI'
 pipe - bIQ qengwI'
 Door handle - lojmIt raQwI'
 bookcase - paq QamwI'
 wardrobe - SutDaq
 Hand basin - ghop Say'Daq
 closet bowl - quS'a'  (slang)  :-)

Edy, beware!  None of my comments which follow are from canon sources.  They
are some of my own ideas, just as your Klingon language words for things
around your house.  Here goes:

microwave - This is a problem.  yu'eghHom may stand for the microwave itself
but does not include the concept of a microwave oven (device, piece of
machinery).  So, I'll try yu'eghHom lo'bogh vutmeH jan.  Long?

kitchen range - vutmeH jan.  I just get a better feeling for {jan} than for
{mIqta'}.  Source:  botjan.

waste pipe - I had to laugh lightly at "leaker" (nIjwI').  Perhaps your waste
pipe really does leak.  I'll suggest veQ qengwI'.

music stand - QamwI' is a problem for me.  A person might be "one who stands."
'uchwI' is kind of ugly, too.  laDmoHlaHwI' is rather unwieldy.  I'm going to
pass on this one.

pipe - I like bIQ qengwI'.  I have used bIQ Qay'wI'.  My canon source for the
feelings I get for this one is TKD's Hergh Qay'wI'.

music stand - same problem as above.

closet bowl - simple.  puch!  The puchpa' is a room containing a puch.


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