tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Jun 06 15:10:14 1998

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Re: KLBC: Q on {-meH}

>  >So, could we say that, as <<Qu'>> is the "obvious" subject,
>  >we want to clip it for brevity; but now the {-meH} clause
>  >has nothing to attach to anymore and thus drifts before the
>  >verb?
>  >
jang ter'eS:
> Well...  I'd rather say we have two different ways to say approximately the
> same thing (and of the two, I'm tending to prefer the <Qual V-meH Qu'> form).
> In both cases, it appears that it is permissible, but not required, to drop
> the actual subject (eg. {Qu'}).
not sure, I made myself clear... what I was saying is that

a) {qIpmeH Qatlh} is correct because of canon
b) {Qatlh qIpmeH Qu'} should have the same meaning
c) obviously *{Qatlh qIpmeH} is not grammatical
d) to me, ?{qIpmeH Qatlh Qu'}, has to be interpreted as
   the {-meH} clause modifying {Qu'} rather than {Qatlh}
   or else the literal meaning of the phrase is
   "Some task (maybe previously mentioned) is difficult
    and the purpose of that is that something hits something."

I can accept a) being the result of going from b) to c) and
"regrammaticalizing" the sentence.

Now the question is, are there canon examples of the form d)?
If so, I must accept that a {-meH} clause modifying a noun
can be seperated from that noun by a main verb AND such a
{-meH} clause can modify a non-explicitly-stated noun...

Not something I look forward to...

                                           Marc Ruehlaender
                                           aka HomDoq
                                           [email protected]

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