tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jun 05 13:19:09 1998

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Klingon Cookbook

peqIm vutwI'pu'!!! tlhIngan Sojraj HInob!!!  tlhIngan vutwI' paq vIqontaH,
'ej vutwI' mIwmeyraj vIpoQbej.  qagh DavutlaH'a'?  latlh tlhIngan nay'mey
DachenmoHta''a'?  'e' Data'ta'chugh vaj HIrI'.  tlhIngan nay'na'mey vIneH,
'ej tlhIngan nay'mey rurbogh nay'mey vIneH je.  'ach nay'meyvam SoplaHnIS
ghungwI'pu'.  paqvamDaq nay'lIj vIqonchugh vaj tlhej ponglIj.  tugh paqvam
je' Lansing tlhIngan yej'anHom.

Attention all great Klingon cheifs!  I am in the process of compiling a
Klingon cookbook, and I need your recipies.  If you have ever made a
reasonable approximation of gagh, pipious claw, heart of targh, bloodwine,
or anything else of a Klingon culinary nature, and would like your work to
be known, please contact me privately.  Recipies can be either authentic
aproximations of known Klingon dishes, or substitute foods, which only look
like the real thing.  In any case, they should be safe to eat.  If your
dish is used in the final draft of the book, you will be credited.  When
finished, the cookbook will be published by the Lansing Klingon Club.

DaH yIvutchoH!

>>>	          /\       
>>>	         |  |         
>>>	       .-|  |-.          SuSvaj Qang
>>>	      / /    \ \                                  
>>>	     |_,\    /  |        Lansing thIngan yej'anHom
>>>	    /'  \\  //\_|_       "nuH jup je 'oH Hol'e'"
>>>	   |  ___\\//    /                                 
>>>	   |/ \     `---'
>>>	       `-.__.-' 
>>>                            e-mail: [email protected]

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