tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jun 02 22:45:31 1998

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Hol chu' vIHaDlI' chaq 'e' boSov.  *Halkomelem* 'oH Holvam pong'e'.  jIHvaD
Dajqu'. HeghlI' Holvam.  wa'vatlh jatlhchu'wI' neH lutu'lu' 'ej qup chaH.
vIghojmeH puq paq vIlo'.  paq qonwI' vIrI'ta'.  mughomqang 'ej wa'maH wejleS
maqIH. muparHa'chugh 'ej jI'Il 'e' Harchugh 'ej yapchugh laHwIj, chaq
Sungpu'vaD mulIHqangchoH.  jIbIt.  Halkomelem Qatlh law' tlhIngan Hol Qatlh
puS.  wej Halkomelem vIjatlhlaH.  wej HughDaq mu'mey vIpImmoHlaH.  Sungpu'
vImawlaH 'ej qubmo' Sungpu' vImawchugh latlhpu' vISamlaHbe'!  qep'a' wejDIch
muqawmoH ghu'. :)

SKI: Qov stresses about her latest language, just like she did for her firt

P.S. For anyone still trying to make up their minds, qep'a' isn't elitist or
stressful, and it makes no sense to wait another year until you are better.
You'll improve more in a week of qep'a' then you would in a year of
preparing for the next one.  And I order everyone to have good time, because
Lawrence used enough of my suggestions in the schedule that I won't be
allowed to complain about anything this year.  jIbep net tuchchugh vaj
beplaH pagh.

Qov     [email protected]
Now on ICQ: 12235599               

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