tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jul 31 11:41:34 1998

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Re: qep'a' QonoSHom

mugh jey'el:
><< [I invite eager students to post translations of this message.]
>qaDlIj vIlaj!

maj.  bImughchu'ta'.  Qaghmey neH vIngu'.

><< DaH qIDwIj vIpay -- reH *burp* chaH jay'.>>
>Now I regret my joke -- THEY're always burping, doggone it!

I didn't intend for the pronoun {chaH} to indicate emphasis.  It's not
really redundant, since the borrowed verb *burp* doesn't have a prefix
that unambiguously identifies the subject of the sentence.

><< wInIDqa'DI' maQap 'ej quvwIj vItoDlaw'.>>
>When we tried again we succeeded, and I feel we rescued our honor.

{quvwIj} -- *my* honor.

><< motlh mayajchuqlaHmeH ngeD.  pIj maba' 'ej majaw neH. >>
>Usually it was easy for us to understand each other.

Very nice -- both translations I've seen of this left out the somewhat
unnecessary "can" idea in the English that the {-laH} implies.

><< wanI'vammo' jIQuchqu'.  roD jIja'nISchugh tlhIngan Hol vIlo'. chongbej
>I was very happy because of this. Usually if we had to speak we used Klingon.
>Our language is great!

{jIja'nISchugh...vIlo'} -- if *I* had to speak...*I* used it.

><< Qov jech pov Daleghta'be' bIDo'Ha'.  tlhIngan SuvwI' qu' ghaHbej, 'ej
> Sut chenmoHwI' po' ghaHlaw' je.
>Too bad you haven't seen Qov's excellent costume. She was definitely a fierce
>Klingon warrior, and whoever made the suit seemed expert too.

majQa'!  You came up with a reasonable translation of my faulty
Klingon sentence.  I intended to say {...Daleghta'be'chugh bIDo'Ha'}.

But try that last phrase again:  {Sut chenmoHwI' po' ghaHlaw' je} --
s/he also seems to be a skilled clothing maker.

><< 'ach mu' paS QaQ law' pagh mu' QaQ puS, qar'a'?>>
>But late words are better than no words, right?

There's a common English idiom that would work well here...

>qep'a' qunlIj Dajqu' vItIvchu'!

wa'nem qep'a''e' DatIvjaj!

-- ghunchu'wI'

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