tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Jul 18 12:10:20 1998

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Re: KLBCbej: jIyIntaH

ja' SuStel:
>I've sometimes wondered if {rIntaH} might be comparable to the structure of
>{targhlIj yIngagh, yIruch} or {QaghmeylIj tIchID, yIyoH}.
>Qa'vam De' vIje', rIntaH.
>I purchased the Genesis data, it's finished.
>"Special verbal construction" is vague enough, and the grammar of these
>"add-on" sentences is pretty loose, so that one might think of {rIntaH} as
>just another add-on which has become relatively common.

The way {rIntaH} is explained, it sounds to me like it can come in the
middle of a sentence the way {qar'a'} can.  Both "follow the verb", and
in the explanation of {qar'a'} in the addendum, that kind of placement is
contrasted with "at the end of the sentence."

-- ghunchu'wI'

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