tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jul 14 20:43:09 1998

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Re: QoghIj qaD

From: Alan Anderson <[email protected]>

>It will take some more explanation than the near-hearsay of Okrand's
>statement that a "question" (not my quotes, but I'm not sure if they
>are Okrand's either) cannot be used as an object before I will state
>that {nuqDaq maba' DaneH?} is ungrammatical.

In fact, I might be tempted to accept {nuqDaq maba' DaneH} where I might not
accept {nuq Daje' DaneH}.

nuq Daje' DaneH
What do you eat? you want [that].

In {neH} sentences, as in all other Sentence As Object sentences, the first
sentence is the object of the second sentence.  {DaneH} is the second
sentence.  {nuq Daje'} is the first sentence.  {neH} is special because it
doesn't use {'e'}.

Although charghwI' is convinced that {neH} is some sort of half-mutated verb
suffix-to-be, I also see the possibility of another interpretation, which I
have presentented before.  Instead of using a pronoun to stand in for the
first sentence, {neH} may actually use the first sentence itself in the
object position.

This means that {nuq Daje' DaneH} is just any "question as object," whatever
legality that may hold.

However, {nuqDaq maba' DaneH} *could* be interpreted in this manner (not
that it must be, but it might be):

The "first" sentence is {maba'} "we sit."  The "second" sentence is {nuqDaq
DaneH} "Where do you want it?"  The "first" sentence is then used as the
object of {neH}, to get {nuqDaq maba' DaneH} "Where do you want that we

Granted, this is asking where the *wanting* is to be performed, not where
the sitting is to be performed.  But as charghwI' has often done in the
past, applying an adverbial concept like {nuqDaq} to the "wanting" might be
seen as modifying the object sentence (I recall a conversation about {reH
DIvI' Duj vISuv vIneH}).

No, I'm not saying anyone should accept this analysis without further proof.
I'm not even saying that *I* accept this analysis.  I'm just speculating,
and providing the usual disclaimers to prevent people from accusing me of
having said this or that further down the line.

For the record, I see {nuq Daje' DaneH} as a likely possibility, but it does
not conform with the grammar as I have come to understand it, nor is there
any evidence to show that this sort of thing is allowed.  I shall recast to
something that is known to be correct until something better comes along, or
until my suspicions are confirmed (and then I'll keep recasting).

Stardate 98534.6

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