tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jul 06 17:22:12 1998

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Re: how do you learn voc?

>Just looking to find a good way to learn Klingon...

When at work (or school) and home, look around and try to name things.  when
somebody says something, or after you say something, think about what it
would have been in klingon.  After a while (weeks, not minutes) you will get
tired of looking up words and your brain will give in and remember the words.

The best way is to find a friend that doesn't think you're crazy for
learning klingon and learn it together.  If one of you knows a word, use it.
Eventually the other person will learn it too.

But if you're like most of us and don't have another tlhIngan Hol ngotlhwI'
around then you'll have to go back to the first paragraph (or whatever
method works best for you).

If you can attend the qep'a' definitely do so.  Those few days will help
more than you think.


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