tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Aug 25 15:32:21 1998

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potlh Hutlhlaw' tlhIngan *Scrabble*.  DIvI' Hol pat chenqa'moH 'e'
nIDtaHvIS pe''eghmeH pat qelchu'be' tlhIngan Quj 'oghwI'.  DIvI' Hol
Scrabble qellu'DI', jengva'Hom qaD juv jengva'Homvetlh mI'.  qatlh
wa'maHlogh pe''eghlaH /ng/ /tlh/ ghap lo'bogh QujwI'? qotlhbe'.  loQ
/tlh/ qub law' /'/ qub puS 'ach wa'maH?  ghobe'. 

pIm neH tlhIngan Quj.  Sarqu'be' mI'mey.  va.  English ...

I think the Scrabble game is missing an important point.  In trying to
copy the English system the deviser of the Klingon version isn't
taking the scoring system into full consideration.  The letter values
of the English tiles are a measure of how hard it is to use those
tiles.  It makes no sense to have any Klingon tile worth 10 points. 
There is no Klingon letter that is ten times as hard to get rid of as
any other.  

The Klingon game is simply different. Letter frequncies do not vary so
much.  There are few one-letter extentions and few two letter words,
limiting some advanced tactics.  It is literally impossible to make a
conventional crossword puzzle in Klingon.  Consider that Milton
Bradley calls it the "SCRABBLE® Brand Crossword Game."  The inventor
of Scrabble, Alfred M. Butts used a copy of The New York Herald
Tribune, among other sources, for a frequency analysis.  Then he did
some tweaking, for example he concluded that only four S's should be
included to avoid making the game too easy by the use of plurals.

Playability is the measure.  A high point letter should be as much a
curse as a blessing. 

jIjatlh 'e' vImev.

Qov - Beginners' Grammarian
"1999 is the penultimate year of the 20th century."

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