tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Aug 18 09:30:07 1998

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Re: the nature of pIqaD (was Re: KLBC - attempt at translation, v 1.1)

Qov wrote:

>If that was the case, the Morskan and the ta' Hol speaker would quite
>identically have to memorize the different 'spellings,' just as they
>would have to memorize ever other symbol.  The fact that it's the
>*Morskan* who has to do extra work because of his pronunciation
>difference strongly implies to me that pIqaD shows pronunciation.

I know I'm not an expert in Klingon. (I'm really barely learning it so
far.) But wouldn't this be more like English? With the word "sore", for
instance, If you were in Boston, It would be pronounced "saw". In
Florida it would be pronounced "soar". Both places spell it with an "r"
but people in Boston just pronounce it different. They don't have to
work harder, they just know the difference. Do you think that this is
the same way it would be done in Klingon? I don't think that the
different dialect has to work harder at it, they just know the
differance. What do you think?

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