tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Aug 03 17:09:58 1998

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<DaHjaj po> bom mu'

   <DaHjaj po> bom mu' lumuchbe'law'lu'ta'mo', vImuch.  qep'a' vaghDIchDaq
wIbomqu' ghunchu'wI' pagh Qor'etlh SuStel jIH latlh je.  bomvam qonta' *'altaQ
(tlhIngan muchwI''a' tIQ ghaH).
   'eychu'meH bomvam, <taHjaj wo'>'e' qonchu'ta'bogh HoD Qanqor SovnISlu'.
<taHjaj wo'> bom mu' ngaS HolQeD cha' DoD wej.  roD quq wej tlheghmey.


                                    DaHjaj po
                              (an imperial parody)

tlhegh wa'DIch:

DaHjaj po
   wej ra'taj wItlhutlhta'
   vaj maQublaHbe'ba'
DIng yabmaj
   'ej chuSchugh vay'
vaj paSloghmaj bIngDaq chaH DIbeQmoHchu' jay'!

tlhegh cha'DIch:

-- DaH  --  -jaj  DaHjaj po maQongnISba'!
                bechtaH nachmaj, 'uHqu'taH!
-- ma-  --  -Doy'  maDoy'bej net chov net chov!
                ralqu' may', mavoQ, matlhov!
-- DIng  --  yab-  DIng yabmaj not 'e' lumev!
-- chuS-  --  -chugh   chuSchugh vay' vaj Doghqu'bej!
    paSloghmaj bIngDaq chaH DIbeQ
--  -moH  --  -chu' jay'!

tlhegh wej'DIch:

maSoplaHbe', matlhutlhlaHbe', 'ej maDo'chugh, mavemnISbe'
     Doch neH wIta'qangbogh 'oH pa'meymaj QongDaqDaq Qotghach'e'
paSloghmeyDaq, mopHommeyDaq, 'ej reH 'ej reH nIvnavmeyDaq
     batlhHa' manaj 'ej jat DIchop 'ej tlhIngan Ho' jejghach wIvaq
ma'oy'rupchu', maSIQlaHchu', mareghqangchu', 'upchugh, 'upmo'
     'ach Heghmaj yIpIHQo' [sic] ghaytan jatmaj DItlhIS maHobpu'mo'
vaj DaHjaj po, vaj DaHjaj po, mavemchoH 'e' wInIDqa'mo'
   nuSuj nuSuj nuSuj nuSuj nuSuj nuSuj HoSDo'


SKI: Here's the lyrics to <DaHjaj po>.  It's sung to the tune of <DaHjaj wo'>
by Cap'n Krankor.  The three lines are generally sung at once.  Krankor
probably doesn't want his song lyrics posted here, so if you haven't heard
<taHjaj wo'> and don't know the lyrics, you can find them in HolQeD 3.2.
   It might be an good practice for beginners to translate.  Just remember
that it's a song and isn't as grammatically correct as normal sentences.  Or
for another challenge, explain why the second line of the {tlhegh wa'DIch}
*isn't* grammatically ambiguous.  :)


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