tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Sep 30 11:05:30 1996

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KLBC - rough translation of a MPFC quote?

I used to quote Monty Python's Flying Circis (MPFC) in my signature using...

"...tired and shagged out from a prolonged squawk"

I roughly am translating this into:

jIDoy' 'ej jIQop nI' SoQwIjmo'

I couldn't find any equivalent of "squawk", hence the SoQwIjmo'
Is this close?

As an introduction to me, I am a member of the KLI and have started the
postal course. I have the dictionary, Hamlet, and the KCD. I have been
reading the digest for about 2 months.

A general question, has anyone developed a writing system that can
be used with a normal pen or pencil? I would like to be proficient at
writing and reading the script.

One last side note... I caught DS9 on video from last week and at the
end of Gowron's message, there was Klingon letters on screen. I tired
to match it up but it seemed like nonsense to me. Anyone else try?


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