tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Sep 22 02:11:12 1996

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Nick's provisional new homepage


I have set up my homepage extravaganza on

Note that this address is temporary. When my service provider gets his act 
together, and gets swallowed up by an evil Geelong multinational :) 
commerical provider, the address will turn into something akin to; this is supposed to have already happened, but now looks 
like happening only at year's end. While the takeover has not yet taken 
place, please be patient with the speed of my access provider; daemon does 
not (yet) have the fastest modem connection on the Net...

The homepage extravaganza is, as always, work in progress, and I look 
forward to your comments! Some odds and ends have been added, including a 
recording of the Hamlet soliloquy everyone wants to know about in Klingon, 
a McGonagall travelogue of Glasgow, a gloss of all my .sigs, and I know not 
what else. Future attractions will include a lot more Lojban, a bit more 
Greek, oodles of Esperanto poetry, and, again, I know not what else.

ki egeire arga ta sthqia ta qlimmena;#Nick Nicholas, Linguistics, 
san ahdoni pou se nuxtia anoijiata   #University of Melbourne  n.nicholas@
thn wra pou kelahda epnixth, wimena! #
stis murwdies kai st' anqismena bata.#
-- N. Kazantzakhs, Tertsines: Xristos#         ~opoudjis

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