tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Sep 11 20:32:00 1996

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Re: A question of duration.

Roberte Darke writes:
>wa'  --  majatlhchuqpu' = We spoke to each other.
>cha' --  poH nI' = A long period of time.
>chay' <We spoke [to each other] at length> vIjatlhlaH ?

"Four thousand throats may be cut in one night by a running man."
{qaStaHvIS wa' ram loS SaD Hugh SIjlaH qetbogh loD}.

>From this canon proverb, we see that the idea of duration can be expressed
using the phrase {qaStaHvIS [poH]} "while [a time] is occurring".  Try:
{qaStaHvIS poH nI' majatlhchuqpu'}.

Vocab nit:  we have the word {ja'chuq} "discuss, confer".  I'm not sure
if {jatlh} can or should work like {ja'} this way, but I know {ja'chuq}
isn't wrong.

Grammar nit:  are you sure you're using {-pu'} correctly?  It's a pet
project of mine to try to wipe out misuse of perfectives. :-)  {-pu'}
and {-ta'} do *not* imply past tense, as your translation ("spoke")
seems to be using.  They imply completion; the common way to translate
it in English is with "has/have been", "had been", or "will have been".
I read {majatlhchuqpu'} as "we have been speaking [to] one another."

>(No particular reason, just pondering again ... likewise how would one say
>"We spoke briefly" ?)

One might try {poH nI'Ha'} "a short time", or perhaps simply use {loQ}.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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