tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Sep 09 19:12:01 1996

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Re: how?

96-09-09 00:08:22 EDT, jatlh trI'Qal:

> qelI'qam 'ar lo' Duj?
>  Well, qelI'qam may not be the right unit of measure, but I think you get
>  jist.

OK, let's say "meter."  {"meter" 'ar lo' Duj?} "How many meters does the ship

If I didn't already know the topic, I'd be very hard-pressed to follow that.
 I don't think {lo'} is the right verb here.

I've thought of a "temporary" solution (until someone comes up with a better
one).  What do you think?

tIn Duj.  "meter" 'ar?

At first I thought to add {'oH} to the end of this, to make the second
sentence complete, but then I realized that something cannot *be* a meter
(unless it is a stick with little black lines on it, etc.)  Unfortunately,
the whole problem is that there are no verbs for "measure" or "be a length,"
so I couldn't express it this way.

By the way, I think "being" a meter and "having" a meter are semi-idiomatic
expressions.  If you "have" a meter, you're apparently holding that stick.  I
know some languages use these expressions, but we have no idea what Klingon

Stardate 96692.3

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