tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Oct 22 18:50:44 1996

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Re: Words from the wild (was Re: Par'Mach is ...)

(side note:  this is my first post to the maillist, and I'm chu'qu'
(is *that* even right?) to tlhIngan HoI - corrections etc requested,
and apologies if I've inadvertently broken any rules -- and that
sounds decidedly non-Klingonish; gotta work on the attitude..)

Could not par'Mach (and it should be par'mach, shouldn't it?) be an
old expression that *used* to be something like par'mach'be'qu'?  If
I've got that right, I'm saying "dislike small not emphatic" or
"strongly the opposite of disliking a little" i.e, liking a lot.  I'm
presuming that over time it became colloquial into par'mach.  It might
even have been a two-word phrase   par  mach'be'qu'  that evolved into
the single-word-double-verb par'mach  -- the apostrophe being
evolved-in to distinguish it as a double-word.

Sure seems like an easy out, but seems logical (damn vulqan blood in
these veins!)...

- Al Weiner -
[email protected]

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