tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Oct 22 12:54:36 1996

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Re: Words from the wild (was Re: Par'Mach is ...)

At 06:56 AM 10/22/96 -0700, Joel Anderson wrote:
>>>"parmach" ....  Perhaps there is a nominal use
>>>of "par" and parmach is, like "nuqneH" a shorthand sentance
>>>for "my dislike is small".
>>How can that be? Why wouldn't they just use <parHa'tIn> following your
>Sure - they COULD.   BUT, this isn't *LOGIC*, it is 
>LANGUAGE.  I meant to suggest one possible 
>derivation.  Following the theory that this IS a real
>tlhIngan word, I was pondering where it came from.  BUT
>we don't KNOW.  We can look at 'ejDo' and 'ejyo' and
>ponder that PERHAPS "'ej" means "star" in some past
>dialect of tlhIngan, BUT we don't KNOW.  That is why
>it is fun to ponder. 
>I confess I'm being a bit obnoxious on the subject of 
>canonicity, but I find it really unhealthy that many
>seem to espouse this weird relationship with the 
>Trek material, disdaining all but the "pure" material,
>or more precisely, what they  decide is the pure material.
>I'm sure many people learning English wish they could
>constrain the language to the parts that made sense.
>I prefer to think that tlhIngan was intended to be like
>a real language, all sorts of oddball stuff 
>sailing in (and be honest; the material from DS9 and
>other sources is hardly going to swamp the tlhIngan Hol
>I certainly don't want anyone to throw out
>the TKD or the grammar as presented by Marc Okrand - 
>I only mean to advocate the position that there is
>more to the Hol than one person, no matter how worthy
>he might be (I'm not being ironic - Okrand IS worthy).
>As I've noted before - more people are likely to learn
>and know "par'mach" than "bangwI' SoH" or "qa'muSHa'";
>why not accept it gracefully?  Instead of appearing
>to be some kind of nerdy crank, be ready to talk about
>what it *might* mean, and then seque into what we
>REALLY know from TKD et al?  Works for me.
> joel anderson * [email protected] * [email protected]
> mIghghachvo' yImej 'ej yIQaQ; roj yInej 'ej Dochvam yItlha'
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