tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Nov 29 16:36:56 1996

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Re: KLBC:Trusting and eating.

[email protected] (Tony Pierce) writes:
>jISoppu'be' vaj qavoqta'pu'chugh
>If I had trusted you I wouldn't have eaten.

SuStel gave a very good way to express this sort of idea, but I'm afraid it
might have been lost in the clutter of the rest of his answer.  I'll quote
the relevant lines from his example:

>qavoqbe'mo' tar vItlhutlh
>"Because I didn't [trust you], I drank poison."

Note that the original phrasing has been changed to get rid of that pesky
"would have" idea.  Klingons apparently prefer to deal with what actually
is rather than what might have been; at least the language makes it a lot
easier to do so.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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