tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Nov 29 06:53:56 1996

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Re: KLBC: may'Day -1st attempt


>Date: Wed, 27 Nov 1996 14:48:36 -0800
>From: "David Trimboli" <[email protected]>
>November 27, 1996 3:27 PM, jatlh Andrea Benton:
>> ---------
>> SuvwI' !!
>> 'IwlIj yIQoy,
>> jach ghogh may'
>The full sentence is "Listen to your blood as the voice of battle cries out."  
>This is set up as a relative clause, (TKD section 6.2.3) so you should use 
>'IwlIj yIQoy,
>jatlhDI' may' ghogh.

Consider also the verb "'Ij", which may be better than Qoy here.  Poetic
structure (not even license) works okay here: Listen to your blood!  The
voice of battle cries out.  (the "as" may be an artifact of translation
into English).  But either works.

>> Suv joq Hegh!
>Okrand commonly uses these "this or that" commands in the following format:
>bISuvbe'chugh vaj bIHegh.
>If you do not fight, you will die.
>We're not sure whether you can combine conjunctions with commands like this.  
>Still, there's no rule against it, and I absolutely LOVE the idea of joining 
>these with the "either/or" conjunction (Fight and/or die -- if you don't 
>fight, you will die, but if you do fight, you may still die).  Let's see how 
>that would go:

Right; I was thinking "should be {pagh}" when I read it, and then I thought
"no, maybe not.  Maybe the intention is to point out that you might still

>> bIr 'Iwchj moj, porghchaj law', jaghlI' pum

>> loDnIpu'ra' may' Datlhej
>I see, you're saying "Enjoy the battle while you accompany your brothers of 
>war."  This has a relative clause again:
>may' yItIv, veS loDnI'pu'lI' DatlhejtaHvIS.

That's not a relative clause, it's another dependent clause.  But we know
what you mean. :)


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